
How to improve safety underground

Mining can be dangerous. There are always dangers of being injured or killed by machinery, rocks falling, and explosions. Miners who act in unsafe ways can make underground life more difficult. Unfortunately, this happens all too often.

Sometimes, it’s simply about enjoying the moment and not worrying about consequences. Sometimes it’s a result of anger, frustration, or stress. You can make it worse by doing something that you don’t know is safe, even if it’s only a small chance of being caught.

There are many ways to reduce the chance of accidents occurring underground. Many of these have nothing to do with regulations or authorities.

It is important to remember that all underground activities can be viewed from above. Many miners will believe that they are able to handle emergency situations as a second-nature skill, but modern monitoring can save lives.

Second, it is crucial to adhere to safety and good work practices in the field. One missed step can lead to death and could result in increased safety measures or fines.

It is important to listen to your bosses and coworkers when they give you instructions. Sometimes, the person issuing the orders is not the one who holds power. It is often their superiors. In many cases, these will be your co-workers and friends. They are trying to protect you.

Be careful when backing up underground vehicles. It is quite common to get out of your truck, walk in front of it and then drive off. You might have to get out of your truck and walk in front of it if you’ve just got back up in the underground.

These rules of conduct might seem obvious. These rules of conduct are often forgotten or overlooked when we are working, and mostly underground.

Underground mining is dangerous because it requires safety and strenuous work with low visibility, reduced communication, and little room for error.

This post was written by Justin Tidd, Director at Becker Mining Communications! For over 15 years, Becker Communications has been the industry’s leader in radio communication in tunnels and electrical mining communication systems. As they expanded into surface mining, railroads, and tunneling they added wireless communication systems, handheld radios, tagging and tracking systems, as well as gas monitoring.

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Sarah Thompson: Sarah's blog specializes in technology news, covering everything from the latest gadgets to industry trends. As a former tech reporter, her posts offer comprehensive and insightful coverage of the tech landscape.